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Environmental Consultancy & Feasibility Studies

FLOC provides services to clients in managing and protecting the environment, as well as conducting feasibility studies related to environmental issues, resource recovery, circular economy, and others. Our team of environmental experts have various expertise such as in biodiversity, soil, water, energy and others. In addition to their extensive expertise and experience, our team has local knowledge that is useful for exploring existing conditions in the field, providing solutions that beneficial for both the company and the environment.

WWTP Reactor Seeding - Treatment Process Optimization

In industrial WWTP, the proper seeding to start-up with a wastewater treatment operation will determine how fast the microorganisms will adapt into the new environment, hence they can work in removing the pollutant optimally. FLOC assists in conducting reactor seeding, as well as optimizing the need for chemicals/nutrients, monitoring and providing solutions in tackling common activated sludge process issues and problems that arise at client’s biological treatment system.

Preparation of PERTEK (Official Technical Approval Document for wastewater discharge)

With the issuance of a new government regulation in 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, those companies that do not have yet a wastewater discharge permit, or those who plan to increase their production and resulted in an increased of wastewater volume capacity to be discharged are required to prepare a PERTEK document. FLOC is working with several experts to assist these companies in preparing this document for acquiring this permit to the government.

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